
Harmonize your mind, body and spirit. Raise the energy level around you.

Clearing sprays are a wonderful alternative, especially when smudging or burning incense is not an immediate option. Carry it with you for use at a moment's need. Use it on your body, in your office, vehicle, hotel room or any space where you want to cleanse and raise the vibration of energies around you. 

Cleanse and Clear is hand blended with essential oils including eucalyptus, clove, lemon, rosemary and cedarwood infused with Reiki charged moon water. These oils are from herbs that have been traditionally used in spiritual practices and rituals to banish, purify, and exorcise negative energy.

Each bottle contains cleansed and charged smoky quartz and amethyst for purification, protection, grounding and to ward off and release of low vibrational energy.

Fragrance: Earthy, spicy blend of essential oils

Use: Shake before each use. Spray the area around you, over your head, the palm of your hands, and under your feet.

Weight: 2 fl oz

Sold as a Curio. This product is intended to be used for spiritual purposes and is not a cosmetic. For External Use Only.