Healing Benefits of Orange Peel

Orange Peel Benefits

When I think back to my childhood, one of the staples that could be found hanging in our kitchen was orange peel. After peeling an orange, my parents would hang the peel on a hook to dry. Whenever anyone in the household had a stomachache, they would boil the orange peel in water for oral consumption. I never specifically asked about the medicinal benefits of orange peel. I just new it the thing we used for stomachaches. It was a common practice. Fast forward to modern day and as an herbalist, I've since learned much more about the benefits of the orange peel.

Orange peel is rich in fiber, vitamins, and disease-fighting properties. They also contain limonene, a chemical that may protect against skin cancer. While it is common knowledge that the fruit inside an orange peel is very high in vitamin C, so is the peel itself. A single tablespoon of shredded orange peel contains almost three times more vitamin C than a tablespoon of the fruit! Benefits of orange peel include:

  1. Improves Digestion
    Orange peel may improve overall digestive health and fight acidity and heartburn. One single cup of orange peel tea can prove to bring relief. Drink a cup of tea following a heavy meal to aid with digestion of your food. I like to pair it with fresh ginger which is also beneficial for digestion. 

  2. Supports Healthy Skin
    Vitamin C in orange peel may enhance collagen production in your body. As we get older, the amount of collagen in our body decreases which can lead to wrinkles. The vitamin C in orange peel tea works to promote healthy skin. Benefits to the skin include: clears the skin, brightens, excellent ingredient for acne-prone skin, exfoliates dead skin cells.

  3. Improves Respiratory Health
    Especially during cold and flu season, regularly drinking teas made with orange peel will be packed with vitamin C to support the immune system and give you an antioxidant boost. Vitamin C is crucial to many important processes throughout our body, commonly known for its immune health benefits and helps to ward off infections.  
Whether you drink it straight or blended with other teas, the next time you peel an orange, consider the benefits of drying and storing the peel for medicinal use.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Consult with a qualified healthcare practitioner before using herbal products, particularly if you are pregnant, nursing, or on any medications. This information is for educational purposes only.

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