
Get in alignment with your creative flow. It is through our reproductive system/sacral chakra that all things are created...not just life.

Reproductive system tonic, hormonal regulator and balancer, supports and enhances fertility, balances libido, increases stamina, revitalizes, stimulates circulation, immune support, liver support. Also useful for normalizing the womb after discontinuing birth control. Supports reproductive system for both women and men.

Properties Include: reproductive tonic, balances hormones, fertility support ,stamina, adaptogenic,  anti-viral, grape spirits 

Organic ingredients: vitex (chaste tree berry), schisandra berry, hawthorn berry, ginger root, orange peel, grape spirits 

Do not use in cases of epilepsy. Seek guidance of an herbalist or healthcare professional if pregnant or breastfeeding. Don't take during menstrual cycle. This product has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. For educational purposes only.