
Expression, Balance, Inspiration, Intuition

Primary Chakras: Heart, Throat

This is a favorite. Amazonite can energetically filter and block geopathic stress and electromagnetic pollution emitted from computers, microwaves or cellphones. 

Amazonite has been called the 'hope stone' as it inspires you to speak with confidence and self assurance. It is said to assist with successfully manifesting your desires and wishes. It is a strong stone for communicating, and helps you to communicate truth with balance and integrity.

Meditating with Amazonite can bring the subtle bodies into alignment, and help to open one's subconscious to subtle messages from higher realms. Amazonite also assists the in seeing different sides of the same issue, as well as different personality traits.

Use on the Heart and Throat Chakras to enhance loving expression, or with the Third Eye Chakra to open intuition. Amazonite can also  aid in peaceful transitions of all type.

Size: Medium