CREATE: "Grounded Balance" Herbal Tincture (Reproductive System Support)
A blend of adaptogenic herbs. Support for the reproductive, nervous, and immune systems. These tonic herbs help the body adapt to environmental, physical, emotional, and mental stressors and anxiety. Enhances fertility, sexual vitality, restores physical strength.
Organic ingredients: reproductive tonic, hormonal balance, libido, improved semen quality, adaptogen, immunomodulant, nourishing
Organic ingredients: shatavari root, ashwagandha root, anise seed, cinnamon, grape spirits
Seek guidance of an herbalist or healthcare professional if pregnant or breastfeeding. Don't take during menstrual cycle. This product has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. For educational purposes only.