
Healing, Enhancing, Amplification

Known as the stone of power, Clear Quartz is the most versatile healing stone among all crystals as it is incredibly versatile and amplifying. There are many different uses for Clear Quartz such as meditation, chakra alignment, repel negative energy, or to help with clarity of thought. Clear Quartz attunes you to your higher self, and has been known to enhance as well as strengthen the aura. Because it is very programmable, the possibilities of usage are endless.

Clear Quartz Points naturally form in a 6-sided shape and the Sacred Geometry of this hexagonal shape helps to naturally amplify and focus any energy or intention. Holding a point facing away from the body can draw off negative energies, while pointing it toward the body will send higher vibrations into the body.

Note: Since it absorbs energies very easily, it's important to clear these stones on a regular basis.