  • Handmade by Ori Naturals
  • 8mm Rainbow Obsidian
  • 10 x 8mm Tiger's Eye
  • 12mm Prehite
  • Brass Accents 
  • Latex-free Stretch Cord

Rainbow Obsidian is know as a strong psychic protection stone and will benefit you by shielding you from negativity. This makes them very helpful stones to keep within your auric field. Rainbow Obsidian is also an excellent aid to help you to release any negativity that you encounter in your day to day life. This stone acts to remove any built up negativity caused by your own or others' anger, fear, resentment and even stress.

Tiger's Eye is an effective stone to assist you to accomplish goals. If you are prone to criticizing your own actions, you may be experiencing a lack of self worth. This stone may help you, as it will infuse you with confidence, brightness and optimism that may relieve these feelings of lack. This stone's action works strongly within the sacral or navel chakra, and this is helpful to use to enhance creativity. It stimulates taking action, and helps you to make decisions unclouded by your emotions. It aids your ability to work through difficult times. Tigerseye also grounds you to the earth via the base or root chakra and helps you to become more centered. This stone also protects against ill-wishing. 

Green Prehnite helps you to connect to higher spiritual planes and enhances spiritual growth. This lovely stone is said to have an energy that helps you to be prepared. It enhances precognition or prior knowledge of an event. By its action of linking your heart with your will, by its vibration within the solar plexus, it assists you to live life from a heart based perspective.

Brass is composed of copper and zinc has metaphysical healing properties to boost the immune system and to give courage. Repeated wearing of Brass jewelry pieces will cause them to take on your own body chemistry revealing your personal energy signature.