
An adaptogen, Astragalus has long been a foundational herb in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Adaptogens are plants that as helps the body resist stressors of all kinds (physical, chemical or biological). Adaptogens promote long-term strengthening of the immune system and protects against infection. Astragalus serves as a primary defense mechanism against threats to the system and is known for its immune supporting properties.

Made with spiritual intention to build auric shield, assist with moving through transitions, protection, preventing emotional depletion

Properties Include: adaptogen, nervine, anti-inflammatory, anti-diabetiic, immunomodulant, cardioprotective, restorative, tonic

Ingredients: certified organic astragalus membranaceus (astragalus root)

Not for use during pregnancy or lactation.  Seek guidance of an herbalist or healthcare professional if pregnant or breastfeeding. This product has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. For educational purposes only.